Description based on Specified Commercial Transactions Law

Company Name

Futokorogatana Co., Ltd.

Business name

Tomomi Amemiya

Business location

2-5-5 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Sekiguchi TS Building 3F

Business contact information




Business hours

Business hours: 10:00-18:00

Holidays: Closed

Selling price

Sales prices include tax.
Additionally, additional shipping charges may apply.
Regarding shipping charges, please check the product details page below.
Futokorogatana Shop

Payment method / Time of payment

Payment method: Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)

Payment period: Payment is confirmed when the product order is confirmed.

About purchasing goods

Pay later (Pay ID) (Convenience store: Payment on the 10th of the following month after billing): Payment fee: 350 yen (tax included)

Product delivery time

We will ship within 7 days after payment is confirmed.
In the case of deferred payment, the order will be shipped within 7 days after the order is confirmed.

About returns

Generally, we do not accept returns unless the product is defective.